Teaching Math let alone teaching arrays is not my strong suit however I can come up with a decent lesson when given some time. My theory – There is a book for that! There almost always is! And the book for teaching arrays that I found was 100 Hungry Ants!
After reading the book we made an anchor chart for my other go-to teaching strategy!
They had fun coming up with what shape to do for the arrays (notice the D’s bet you can’t guess what that child’s name starts with) and how many rows and columns. Then I let students build arrays on the ELMO.Â
They really liked getting to build them for the class and this made it more concrete for students who needed the extra layer of help.
They loved it! They totally got it too! About a minute into the anchor chart and one asks “So is this actually multiplication?” Yes smart student, yes it is!
I hope you enjoyed these activities for teaching arrays.